Aleš Boem

I wasn’t born as Boem. I was born as Aleš Kachlík in the small village of Lidice in the Czech Republic. I was obsessed with creating even as a child. We had a well-equipped workshop after my great-grandfather, where I spent a lot of time working with wood.

I started studying graphic design and advertising in high school, and as a student, I focused on branding and web presentations. At the end of my studies, I decided to further advance in design, and during my college years, I went through studios in product, industrial, and interior design. I spent most of my time in the workshops gaining experience of all possible manufacturing processes.

At the end of my bachelor’s studies, I designed a collection of glasses, which turned into a brand and a company for manufacturing glasses thanks to the interest of satisfied customers and several awards.

I finished my master’s degree at the academy in Prague, where I had two exhibitions at Somerset House in London during fashion week and an exhibition for T-Mobile to demonstrate that 3D printers can print chocolate sweets. Additionally, I designed a food truck for Ambiente restaurants.

After my graduation, I started working as a creative director for the furniture company Meyto to create a new furniture brand. At the same time, we collaborated with the Olgoj Chorchoj studio and developed two winning designs for new furniture and shelters for Prague.


In 2018, when my daughter was born, we were not only looking for a beautiful first name for her but also a last name, so my wife and I changed our names to Boem.

The word “boem” originates from “bohemia,” where the letter “h” was originally missing, and it refers to our native region. Bohém is the spirit of an artist. Bohemian or bohemianism is used to describe a way of life away from society’s conventional norms and expectations.